
Showing posts from October, 2023

Introduction of Desi Babul

Desi Babul also known as Acacia nilotica or Vachellia nilotica is a tree 5–20 m high with a dense spheric crown, stems and branches usually dark to black coloured, fissured bark, grey-pinkish slash, exuding a reddish low quality gum. This is our third tree of devnagri system .   The tree has thin, straight, light, grey spines in axillary pairs, usually in 3 to 12 pairs, 5 to 7.5 cm (3 in) long in young trees, mature trees commonly without thorns.   Pods are used as a supplement to poultry rations in India. Dried pods are particularly sought out by animals on rangelands. In India branches are commonly lopped for fodder. The exudate gum of this tree is known as gum arabic and has been collected from the pharaonic times for the manufacture of medicines, dyes and paints. The tree's wood is "very durable if water-seasoned" and its uses include tool handles and lumber for boats. The wood has a density of about 833 kg/m3. This is one level tree production data.  In the Devnagri

Introduction about Munja Grass BUSH

 The Devnagri project is all about being environmentally friendly and using a carbon credit system.  They focus on things that are good for the environment and crafting items.  One of the things they need for their system is Munja grass, which is great for making various craft items. It's also known as Tripidium bengalense. Munja grass is handy for making roofs, baskets, and ropes.  It's even good at growing in places like old mines where not much else can thrive.  People in villages use it to make ropes, fans, baskets, and more. Plus, it doesn't need extra water because it stores rainwater. To get Munja grass from Munja bushes, you need a sickle. In terms of the Munja grass bush's economic value, it is priced at 7,000 Dev tokens.  Each Munja grass bush yields 1 Munja grass NFT per week and requires three consecutive land plots .  It's important to note that Munja grass doesn't contribute to carbon credit production. thanks for reading our blog.

Battle Card Result - September 2023

In September, a battle card mini-game was initiated with the participation of five members who collectively increased the value of their battle cards.  The initial members included: 1. ONG 2. BP 3. PRATEEK 4. CRYPTOPROFESSOR 5. GMAN Throughout the month, they engaged in intense battles within the mini-game, and ultimately, BP emerged as the victorious contender, earning a badge as a symbol of their achievement.  As a reward for this victory, BP received 5,000 DEV tokens.

Monthly Update - September 2023

  In September, the Devnagri project saw significant progress. New members joined the team, and the user base expanded.  However, there were challenges as two tree owners lost their tree rewards due to storage space shortages. They now have the option to focus on better space management or construct their own clan storage house. Additionally, the project introduced the DEV token enhancer system, where three members received enhancers for completing event tasks involving 700 messages per week.  The introduction of "Sickle" became noteworthy, as it plays a crucial role in the upcoming production of NFTs.  The Munja grass bush now produces Munja grass on a weekly basis, adding an element of active gameplay. September also marked the start of puzzles on the project's blogs, engaging readers in a rewarding search for hidden clues. Furthermore, DEV token holding rewards were initiated, incentivizing participants to hold onto their tokens. Lastly, the Devnagri battle card mini-g

Carbon Credit Tokenization

 The Devnagri project incorporates a carbon credit system as a central component. Carbon credits play a pivotal role in various aspects, such as blending ingredients, advancing tree growth to higher levels, and crafting upgraded items.  Currently, carbon credits are represented merely as numerical values within our Telegram group.  To enhance the significance and utility of carbon credits, we are implementing a process called tokenization. Tokenization involves converting carbon credits into non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  These NFTs serve various functions within our blockchain, including facilitating blend recipes and enabling tree owners and other participants to buy and sell carbon credits amongst themselves. To sustain this decentralized system, the project imposes a 10% tax on deposits and withdrawals.  This tax serves the dual purpose of covering the expenses associated with minting NFTs and safeguarding our economy against the hoarding of carbon credits.  Tokenization is the mecha