
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dev Token from Chatting

  There are many tokens in wax blockchain which are CHAT TOKEN it means when people chat in special group where this chat tokens are enabled . All the chat token have their own system. Chat token make a group busy. This is a new type of WEB 3 invention. Now we are bringing our own token as a chat token and we need to gather all our data that can be useful in making our chat token system stronger. So here is some of our ideas for Dev token as a Chat token.   1                 Dev token in chat only available in DEVNAGRI project’s Telegram main room  2                 The number of Dev tokens coming from each qualified messages is depending on our system economy and strategy   3                 We’re bringing new method so if a player completes 700 messages     in a week then player get LEVEL 1 NFT(on pause)            (  write testing in bot command group and get 500 dev token reward . first person only. claimed by ong 24sep 2023) 4                 10 LEVEL NFTs will be conver

Monsoon Season

July is the beginning of the Monsoon season when we experience heavy rain.  This rain brings both good and bad things.  The good part is that the rainwater is a blessing for trees and helps wild crops to grow abundantly.  Many useful plants thrive during this time, like herbs, fruits, and vegetables that are perfect for the rainy season.  The Monsoon also brings out lots of insects and animals in our local areas, making it an exciting time for nature lovers.   However, heavy rain can also cause some problems for farmers.  The soil in their fields may have different layers, and when the rainwater flows too much, it can wash away the lower layers of soil, which hurts the crops and tree roots.  This can damage the trees' growth too. To protect them, people can place stones around the trees or create sand walls nearby. In the worst-case scenario, the heavy rainfall may even cause the soil around trees to flow away, and strong winds can knock down trees, which is called "Wind

Devnagari Economic Mechanism

  Liquidity is a main part of any play-to-earn project. The Devangari project is a play-to-earn project. That's why we need to provide a very strong economic and liquidity system. The economic system needs to be strong to run economically in the long term and make our liquidity stable in both bull and bear market situations. In the month of July 2023, we started DEV token liquidity on Alcor exchange swap. We started our price from 1 WAX for 1000 Dev tokens.   Our primary goal is to maintain the Dev token price at 700 to 1300 Dev Tokens per WAX.   Alcor exchange is a decentralized system.  We cannot control token buyers and sellers directly from the Alcor swap. In this situation, we need to work on token buyer/seller non-players who just hunt a project's economy and their liquidity.  They don't play the game but buy tokens at a dip price and sell when it pumps. To control this type of activity, we need to work on a better solution to protect our project and the pla

Tree Biomass and It’s Functions

At the start of 2 nd week of July 2023, one week complete for first batch tree owners. In the previous story, we’ve informed the people about requirements of axe.  Clan need to get axe to get weekly wood NFT from tree. Our 1 st batch clan members didn’t get axe for their clan so they have not received weekly wood NFT but carbon credit points has been added in their clan balance.  Now question arise that what happened to those woods which are lost in this case. Here come tree biomass system. Tree biomass refers to the total weight of all living parts of a tree, including the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves.  It represents the tree's stored energy and carbon and is important for understanding its growth and impact on the environment. Write axe in tree group and get 500 dev token reward . only for first player . (claimed by ong 26sep 2023) Devnagari system have active gameplay. It trigger results for trees which affects tree biomass. Tree Biomass Calculation: For example:

Beginning of Tree

  As the month of July arrived, the monsoon season began in our country. It was the perfect time for tree plantation, which was a key aspect of the Devangari system.  The community enthusiastically started their tree planting efforts, recognizing the importance of trees in their project. Trees in the Devangari system played a crucial role in producing carbon points, which were needed for various purposes, including unlocking NFT blends.  Each tree required a 3x3 land plot within the Devangari project. The first tree to be planted was a Khair tree, known for its wood production. This tree would generate wood NFTs on a weekly basis. The first person to buy a tree was Cryptoprofessor, a member of the Enduring Eccentrics clan. They eagerly purchased a tree at the beginning of the week. Alongside them, Pratik, another Enduring Eccentrics clan member, also bought nine trees.  Both buyers were excited to see their trees start producing carbon credit points from that week onwards.   To m

Summary of the month - June 2023

In the month of June 2023, exciting progress was made towards the realization of the Devangari system. We successfully attracted some investors who saw the potential in our vision. As a result, three of our clan sides were booked and ready to take shape. It was an exhilarating step forward for our project.   One of our investors, Dust Junky, became the leader of a newly formed clan called Dusty Clan. Another investor named Onyx created a clan called The Enduring Eccentrics. The third investor, Abhidhar, established a clan named Vanakaali. These clans, along with the existing clans, formed the foundation of our growing community. The clan leaders played a crucial role in gathering more members and teaching them about the Devangari system. Together, they shared knowledge and inspired others to join our cause. People began pooling their resources and converting them into silver tokens of the Devangari system. These tokens allowed individuals to earn interest and participate in the t

Introduction of land

  After acquiring the land for the ambitious Devangari system, Dev embarked on a visit to the village area where the land was located. Dev carefully examined the location, roads, and other important details. The land, primarily used for agriculture, had some trees scattered across its expanse. One notable feature of the land was that the local village road connected through the C and D clan sides.  These areas served as crucial access points for transportation and interaction with the surrounding community. Additionally, the B and D clan sides were designated as Government areas, indicating their significance in the overall plan. Examining the map, Dev noticed that the B, A, C, and D sides of the land were adjacent to neighboring lands. The B and D sides were situated on higher ground, while the A and C sides were in a lower ground area.  This topographical distinction meant that water naturally flowed from the higher ground sides (D and B) towards the lower ground sides (A and C).

Devnagri Journey - The Beginning

In today's world, there is a person named Dev! I have a really big dream that I want to share with you all. My dream is to create something amazing that will help us all live together and make our society stronger than ever before. I truly believe that when we work together, we can grow faster and be better than any other system out there.   To make this dream come true, I decided to take action. I bought a piece of land, and this land will be the place where my dream becomes a reality. But here's the thing: I can't do it alone. I need your help and the support of people who also want to make a difference and be part of this incredible project.   That's why I started a group, and I'm so happy that some of you have joined me already. Together, we are going to learn, collaborate, and work towards our shared vision. To make things more organized, I divided the land into four parts, and we call them "clan sides." Each clan side has a leader who will guide the