Introduction of land


After acquiring the land for the ambitious Devangari system, Dev embarked on a visit to the village area where the land was located. Dev carefully examined the location, roads, and other important details. The land, primarily used for agriculture, had some trees scattered across its expanse.

One notable feature of the land was that the local village road connected through the C and D clan sides. 
These areas served as crucial access points for transportation and interaction with the surrounding community. Additionally, the B and D clan sides were designated as Government areas, indicating their significance in the overall plan.

Examining the map, Dev noticed that the B, A, C, and D sides of the land were adjacent to neighboring lands. The B and D sides were situated on higher ground, while the A and C sides were in a lower ground area.

 This topographical distinction meant that water naturally flowed from the higher ground sides (D and B) towards the lower ground sides (A and C).

With these observations in mind, Dev continued to envision the future development of the land and the possibilities it held.

which clan don,t have any tree . write answer in puzzle room and win 500 dev token reward . only for first player .(CLAIMED BY ABHISHEK 6 OCT 2023)

 Each detail was carefully considered as the groundwork for the system's construction took shape.

 The journey towards transforming this land into a thriving community was just beginning, with many exciting chapters yet to unfold.


  1. I like this concept of setting up the clans in 4 directions


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