Summary of the month - June 2023

In the month of June 2023, exciting progress was made towards the realization of the Devangari system. We successfully attracted some investors who saw the potential in our vision. As a result, three of our clan sides were booked and ready to take shape. It was an exhilarating step forward for our project.


One of our investors, Dust Junky, became the leader of a newly formed clan called Dusty Clan. Another investor named Onyx created a clan called The Enduring Eccentrics. The third investor, Abhidhar, established a clan named Vanakaali. These clans, along with the existing clans, formed the foundation of our growing community.

The clan leaders played a crucial role in gathering more members and teaching them about the Devangari system. Together, they shared knowledge and inspired others to join our cause. People began pooling their resources and converting them into silver tokens of the Devangari system. These tokens allowed individuals to earn interest and participate in the trading within our system.

Comment this word "MAPS" in TREE Topic in the Telegram group and get 100 DEV Token. Only for first player(claimed by ong 3sep 2023 ) 

To keep our investors informed and involved, we shared project details and data with them. It was not just an abstract concept anymore; it was becoming a real-world endeavor. Our investors recognized the potential of the Devangari system and were fully engaged in the project. They saw it as an opportunity to make a positive impact and actively supported its development.

who is clan B owner ? write answer in social media group for 500 dev token . first person only.(claimed by abhishek on 1 oct 2023) 


As the system took shape in the real world, we worked tirelessly to bring our vision to life. The Devangari system was not just an idea anymore; it was becoming a tangible reality. With each passing day, we grew more confident that our dream of a powerful system that brings people together and fosters a stronger society was within reach. 


  1. Happy that I am now win the 100DEV token from the creator.


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