Carbon credit points system details

One of our player gman asking some more details about carbon credit points so i need to explain it more deeper

 Currently we giving carbon credit to clan balance and it only have clan tool buying utility.

 But in future its a important thing of our system so more usecase coming in future

 We need to add carbon credit points to players account. When clan need carbon credit then 10 % tax cut from carbon credit points. For example if someone sending 10 carbon credit points into clan balance then 9 carbon credit points add in clan balance. 10% tax useful in system economy.

 Some of utility of carbon credit points. 

Its a required blend ingredients of all things which produce carbon or other green house gases. And harm environment. 

More powerful utility coming in future when we open crops and other good useful tree or building

Thanks for reading our blog.



  1. So carbon credit is also a token of the game other than dev token ?

    1. its core thing of our system and its like real world carbon credit so google it .

    2. Googles Reply.

      At a greater level of understanding, a carbon credit is defined as a tradable license or certification that gives the holder the freedom to emit a total of one ton of carbon dioxide or an equivalent of any other greenhouse gas. The main purpose of this principle is the minimization of carbon dioxide emissions.


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