This is the first month of our tree experiment. We're looking at the outcomes of our special digital trees that people can play with (like a game). 

These trees can earn rewards for their owners. Right now, we have some trees that are actively growing and being taken care of.

 The results we see depend on the weather and how well the tree owners are taking care of them. The outcomes can be good or not so good.

Think of it like the rainy season in Devnagri. The current results show that some trees are getting bigger, some are getting smaller because of things like rain washing away the soil, and there's a small chance (1%) that a tree might not survive. Sometimes, there might be no change at all, which means the tree and its surroundings stay the same.

If we see the soil being washed away (1% chance), it's like a piece of land near the tree disappears.

 This could be a problem if someone wants to plant a new tree there or build something. In that case, our group (clan) needs to fill in the empty space according to our rules.

If a tree's size increases, it means the tree's overall health is better. If it decreases, it means the tree is not doing so well.

If a tree "dies," it means it's not growing anymore, but the owner can still get some useful things from it. 

Imagine if a tree owner got four pieces of wood from their tree. If the tree dies, they can use a special tool to cut it down and get more stuff from it. 

So, even though the tree stopped growing, the owner can still get back some of what they invested.

The same idea applies to whether the tree gets bigger or smaller – the owner's reward or loss depends on how the tree is doing overall.

So, let's say the tree owner got this special tree for 7,000 DEV tokens. In the first month, they already collected four pieces of wood from the tree, which is worth 400 DEV tokens each. That means they've already earned 1600 DEV tokens from the wood they collected.

Now, let's imagine that the tree's health decreases, and the owner sees a loss in the results. This means the tree's overall size is getting smaller. 

If this happens, the owner might not earn as many rewards as they expected. But remember, they still have the option to cut down the tree if it's not doing well. Using the clan tool saw, they can get back some DEV tokens based on the remaining size of the tree. 

For example, if the tree is now worth 5,400 DEV tokens, the owner can get that amount if they decide to cut down the tree.

On the other hand, if the tree's health improves and the owner sees an increase in the results, it means the tree is doing even better than before. This could lead to higher rewards for the owner, as the tree's overall value has gone up.

So, in this tree game, the results each month show how well the trees are growing and how much they're worth. Depending on whether the tree is getting bigger, smaller, or not surviving, the owner's rewards or losses are determined. 

The owner can choose to keep the tree and watch it grow, or cut it down to get back some of their investment. It's like taking care of a special digital tree and seeing how it thrives in the virtual world.

 If someone has more than one tree in this game, they have the option to combine the increase and decrease percentages from all their trees and apply it to a single tree. This can save time and make things simpler for the owner. However, keep in mind that this combined percentage cannot result in a "dead tree" outcome for any of the trees.

who is highest tree holder write answer in tree topic for 400 dev token reward . only first person .(claimed by ong 3 oct 2023) 

In other words, while you can pool the changes in size from different trees together and see how it affects one tree, none of the trees in the combination will end up as completely dead.

 This ensures that there's always an opportunity for the tree owners to get back something, even if a tree is not doing well. 

current khair tree price ? write answer in social media channel for 400 dev token reward . first person only .(claimed by bp 11oct 2023)

So, if you have multiple trees, you can manage their growth collectively to make things more convenient. And remember, the goal is to nurture your digital trees, see how they fare over time, and make decisions that will maximize your rewards and benefits within the game's rules.






  1. Nice. Finally I found a hidden puzzle here.(Tree Holder)

  2. Current Khair tree Price is 12000DEV and already 42 got sold.


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